In the run up to Jenni and Pete’s St Ives elopement, I was, as I often do, keeping an eye on the weather forecast to ensure that I arrived with plenty of ideas come rain or shine. On this occasion there were huge storms and torrential downpours on the horizon which was a bit of a shame as we were enjoying a run of gorgeous spring sunshine at the time. The day before the wedding, the sunshine continued and I received a phone call from Jenni in the morning asking if I could possibly head down to St Ives a day early in order to avoid the storms. Jenni and Pete were planning an intimate elopement – just the two of them and their young daughter – and felt that dragging her around St Ives in heavy rain might be a bit of a chore. I love a bit of spontaneity, so I juggled a few things around and was on my way to St Ives within the hour! Jenni, Pete and Indi had all donned their wedding outfits and as Jenni is a massive Barbara Hepworth fan we made the beautiful sculpture gardens our first port of call before heading off for a relaxed walk on the beach to make the most of the stunning St Ives light. I was so glad that I was able to make the necessary changes to ensure that Jenni, Pete and Indi got the wedding photo session that they really wanted.